Cuneo Musica Fest, Italy

This was held in a tiny town square. The hotel was insanely cool. It was ultra modern built into an extremely old building. The mural was upstairs near a reading nook. This is Manolo looking eye to eye with ? Our chef was preparing beans in the courtyard as we relaxed before the gig. My room had a huge copper bathtub in the middle. The gig went well. Our host told me 900 people live in the town and they have 13 churches. I asked how old was the oldest church. He said only 1100 years old. HUH Unfortunately we did not get to stay in the hotel as we had to drive to Bologna after to catch a plane to Sardinia in the morning. Sleep was attained in the van on the way. Sleep is highly over rated.
Was there a fat man in the bathtub?
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