Mid Alantic Tour

Update... The muffin was sold. Here is a picture of the happy new owner. See the threat in the previous post for more info.
Our first show on this run was at JM Randals Club in Willaimsburg VA. We were able to load in earlier in the day and just show up for the gig. There was a great crowd and the ownership treated us wonderful. I talked to many people that came quite a way to see us. That is pretty gratifing. By all acounts the folks loved what we did. It was funny i caught the wait staff and bus people rocinkin out to our show. We were fed some really yummy food after the show. I am getting used to eating at 1:30 AM. Back to the room for some sleep.
Friday morning up and at it. We only had a short, 1 hour drive to Varginia beach to the next show at The Jewish Mother Club. The drive was senic as part of it was around the Chesapeque bay area. We rolled into the beach area and went strait to the club. We were able to load in right away and set up. While we were there we enjoyed a killer lunch at the club. The hotel they provided was right on the ocean and our rooms looked out on the atlantic to a beautiful clear day. I cought a nap and then did a little work on the computer. As i was sitting next to the sliding glass door working i looked up to see a sudden storm heading strait for the hotel. It was freaky like a tornado with thunder, lightning, rain, and 50- mile an hour wind. As soon as it came it dissapeared. It lasted maybe 15 minutes. Wierd. We rolled up to the club around 9:00 PM to find it full of frienly faces. The local blue sosiety was there in force. They held a raffle at our break and helped to make us feel welcome. I got to chit chat with a few fans before we started. This show was fun for me. The seats were right up close to the stage. I can not always see the faces of the folks but i could this night. I realized that i like to look at the people as a mirror to see thier reaction to what we are doing. I can ussally pick out 3-4 hard core listeners and i watch then. We did our 2 sets and broke our stuff down. Once again we got some great food from the owner Sonny and had a bunch of laughs. Load out and off to bed.
Next morning we headed north to Maryland. This as a senic 4 hour drive untill we got to the Washington DC area. The traffic was skrewed even though it was a Saturday afternoon. Oh well, take the good with the bad i guess. We arrived at Chick Halls Surf Club for load in. This club has been a music hall for 50 years. We were given some of the history by Mike, our sound guy. We got set up and headed for the hotel. The traffic was horrible going through the Maryland University area. UGH. We were all looking for a nap which we eventually got. Side note... No starbucks today> Not good. We head back to the club all fresh at 8:00. When we arrive the club was packed and folks kept rolling in. Many in attendance where very familiar with the band. Again the local Blues Society was in the house. This is so important to the art form and i encourage you to join one, today. I have not met these music lovers and it is cool to hear them tell me all the SJK shows they have seen. Tonight we totally rocked out. The patrons hit the huge dance floor right away and we fed off the energy right away. I am listening to a recording of it right now. These folks ate it up. Love it.... This is why i am out here making art with these talented musicians. See the above picture taken by me right before the encore. One of the people i saw i actually knew from the blues cruise. His name is Kevin and he drove 50 miles to see us. We will be playing on the cruise in January and Kevin will be there (WWW. bluescruise.com) We were mobbed for autographs and photos after the show. Again we were fed well and off we went. A few of the fans helped us carry the stuff out.. Very cool. I am winding down now at 3:00AM. It is hard to come back to the room and go right to bed. I am all jacked up from the energy of making music and feeding off the crowds energy. Tomorrow we we play in North Carolina. I am very excited cause a great friend, Gabi D. will be coming to the show. I have not seem her in 15 years. I appreciate her driving 3 hours to come see us........ BTW I finished my Jimi Hendrix biography last night. I don't want to ruin the end for you. It is sort of sad how it ends. I did feel grateful that i did not die from my drug addiction. I certainly partied as hard as he did for many years. Having been clean and sober for 20 years i have a completely different perspective on the 70's... Glad to be alive. Good night folks
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